little rabbit in his burrow, 2022


Little rabbit sat in his burrow and slept,
Sat and slept,
“Poor little rabbit, are you sick,
So you can’t hop about any more?
Rabbit hop! Rabbit hop! Rabbit hop!

Little rabbit, beware of the dog, beware!
It has a very sharp tooth
To catch little rabbit with.
Little rabbit, run! Little rabbit, run! Little rabbit, run!”


Häschen in der Grube saß und schlief, saß und schlief. “Armes Häschen, bist du krank, daß du nicht mehr hüpfen kannst? Häschen hüpf! Häschen hüpf! Häschen hüpf!” Häschen, vor dem Hunde, hüte dich hüte dich. Hat gar einen scharfen Zahn, packt damit das Häschen an. Häschen, lauf, Häschen, lauf, Häschen, lauf! Author: Friedrich Fröbel, (1782-1875) Origin: Germany

This artwork commemorates the lives of the Seiderman children, and of their family. The father, Chama, was born in Lodz, Poland, and the mother, Jenny, was from Cologne, Germany, where they made their home and brought up their children, Herman, Leo and Charlotte. Chama moved the family to Paris, France, for their safety, and this is where Jacques was born. Chama’s brothers, Leon and Moritz were also living in Paris.

The family was forcefully sent to Drancy Internment Camp which was an assembly and detention camp for holding Jewish people who were later deported to extermination camps during the German occupation of France during the Second World War.

All the children were deported to Auschwitz, Poland, on Transport 25 on 28 August 1942 and this is where they were murdered. They were aged 12, 11, 5 and 3, and were without their mother who had been deported on Transport 16 on 6 August 1942. She was aged 36 when she was sent to the gas chamber.

The uncles also died during this period.

Chama was deported to Auschwitz, and then sent to Dachau Concentration Camp in Germany. He was liberated on 30 April 1945.


  • Wonderful piece, heartbreaking and thought provoking

  • I am always amazed and impressed by your inventiveness

  • Beautiful, intriguing work

  • Powerful

  • Stunning and chilling. We must never forget

  • Poignant and beautiful as ever

  • Amazing what you have done. So incredible and moving

Measurement: 33cm x 28cm x 26cm

Process: Hand stitch, digital fabric printing

Materials: Vintage wooden building blocks (origin Germany), textile, silk threads