Full, Empty, Full, Empty…Toilet Lock

Full, Empty, Full, Empty…

Toilet Lock

Faceless - Ragdoll

Faceless - Ragdoll

Alarm Bells

Alarm Bells

Bag of Bones

Bag of Bones

Up and Down

Up and Down

Paper WeightAlso exhibited in:‘Image and Narrative: Illness, Recovery, Change’ at The University of Nottingham (2019)East Midlands Mental Health Service Innovators Conference 2019, First Steps, University of Derby (2019)

Paper Weight

Also exhibited in:

Image and Narrative: Illness, Recovery, Change at The University of Nottingham (2019)

First Steps, East Midlands Mental Health Service Innovators Conference 2019, University of Derby (2019)

P.erfection E.xtremes

P.erfection E.xtremes

Exhibited in:

What’s Going On Upstairs, Solo Gallery, The Knitting & Stitching Show, Alexandra Palace, London (2018)

What’s Going On Upstairs, Solo Gallery, The Knitting & Stitching Show, The RDS, Simmonscourt, Dublin (2018)

What’s Going On Upstairs, Solo Gallery, The Knitting & Stitching Show, Convention Centre, Harrogate (2018)

14th International London Eating Disorders Conference, QEII Centre, Westminster (2019)