flag up, 2022

selected - The Art of Embroidery Bankside Gallery London uk

The Jewish people are an indigenous race of the Middle East and North Africa with an uninterrupted presence in the region for nearly 3,000 years, in fact since biblical times.

The declaration of Israel’s independence in 1948 triggered a massive refugee crisis for Jews in Arab lands. Many were forced from their homes, persecuted, their property confiscated, with thousands of people expelled, some murdered, leaving entire communities in ruins. Over 850,000 Jews were compelled to flee.

In this exodus without precedent a larger number of Jewish refugees was driven from Arab countries than Arabs from Israel. Lyn Julius, journalist and co-founder of Harif

Measurement: 33cm x 25.5cm (framed)

Process: Hand stitch

Materials: Textile, silk threads

Exhibited in:

The Broderers’ Exhibition: The Art of Embroidery, Bankside Gallery, London (22 - 27 February 2022)

Fabricated? Solo Exhibition, London, England (1 October 2024 - 15 February 2025)


  • A very needed reminder to the debate on the place of Jews in the Middle East - once thriving communities no longer. Driven out

  • A timely reminder about the Mizrachi community

  • Your work is unbelievable. Not just a craft marvel but an incredible piece of research and a historical masterpiece

  • Thank you for pointing out the truth. So many people don’t understand

  • Such extensive research and incredible work