Toni Winter, a teenager, miraculously escaped from Berlin, arriving in London on 29 August 1939, just three days before Hitler invaded Poland and instigated the start of World War II. Her world fell apart as she left behind her mother, father and two younger brothers, all of whom she would never see again.
Toni with her beloved brothers Oskar and Isidor (left)
The family apartment in Berlin, Germany (above)
תנוח על משכבך בשלום
Rest in peace
Measurement: 16cm x 14cm x 22cm
Process: Hand stitch, handwriting
Materials: Antique silver pocket watch, cotton, silk thread, vintage photo frame, photographs, luggage label
Exhibited in:
Fabricated? Solo Exhibition, London, England (1 October 2024 - 15 February 2025)
“Wow Caren, it’s just wonderful and so moving. Saying thank you is not enough.” JM Son 1 of Toni Winter
“A beautiful way to honor our dear mother and her family, she would have been very proud to see this amazing tribute to her parents and her dear brothers.” BM Son 2 of Toni Winter
“Thank you Caren for such a wonderful tribute to my Grandma. Most of the information I was not already aware of. Your research is fantastic.” CB Granddaughter of Toni Winter
“Thank you so much for creating such a fitting tribute to my grandmother and her lost family. You are such a talented artist and the care that you have taken to research their story is so very touching.” RM Granddaughter of Toni Winter
“Thank you for your wonderful homage paid to my grandmother’s family. It was so moving and beautifully done.” SBM Granddaughter of Toni Winter
Very moving work, beautiful but so tragic
So very sad
The painful, beautiful tribute